These times of accelerated energies and change are calling for additional support from Spirit. Tina is doing these mini transmissions for the public from Sedona once a month. The format is a brief intro from Jesus followed by a Q&A.
These recordings are for your private use - please do not share. We suggest that you download them so you can keep them on your own device. There are no guarantees of continued streaming availability on this portal.
Questions Answered
- Many of ACIM's lessons are about feeling the love of God. I can say the words, but I don't feel being loved by God. What should I do?
- Should we make a point to help empower others during these confusing times, or should we leave others to find their own way?
- If A Course in Miracles was done half way and not finished, is it necessary to start over?
- I am facing losing my job of many years. Is it worth it to try and get a religious exemption? If so, what kind of wording/approach should be taken?
- Why is it so much easier to forgive others, but it feels impossible to forgive myself?
- Jesus said the next few months would see big changes. Does this mean we will see more truth come out about the side effects of the shot or revelations of betrayal by those in power?
- If someone has gotten the vaccine and now regrets it or a child has been forced to be vaccinated, is there a chance for healing?
- I would like some advice about parenting - in particular, fighting siblings (ages 4 and 6).