Foundation Repair Guide: The Foundation Experts - Waterproofing


Is your home showing signs of foundation damage? Don't wait until it's too late! A strong foundation is essential for the stability and longevity of your house, including the basement walls. Neglecting foundation issues can lead to costly repairs and jeopardize the safety of your family. But what causes foundation damage in the first place? Wet basements, building problems, or issues with window wells can contribute to foundation damage.

Factors like wet basements, soil moisture, basement waterproofing problems, and concrete slab cracks are common culprits that can cause foundation trouble. These issues can arise due to natural settling, poor construction, or even changes in weather patterns. If left unaddressed, they can result in structural instability and further complications down the line. It is important to conduct a foundation inspection to identify and address these problems.

Fortunately, foundation repair offers a solution to prevent these problems from escalating. By addressing foundation cracks, performing basement foundation repairs and implementing effective waterproofing techniques, including slab jacking, you can safeguard your home against future damage. Additionally, these repairs often come with a warranty to ensure the longevity of your building and protect against wet basements.

At The Foundation Experts, we specialize in providing reliable solutions for all your foundation needs, including basement walls and wet basements. With our expertise and commitment to quality workmanship, you can trust us to restore the integrity of your home's foundation. We also offer slab jacking services for your house.

Don't let wise cracks in your house's foundation compromise the safety and value of your property. Contact us today for a professional inspection and discover how we can help you protect one of life's biggest investments from wet basements and water damage.

Signs Your House Needs Foundation Repair:

Cracks in walls, floors, or ceilings indicate foundation movement

One of the most obvious signs that your house may need foundation repair is the presence of cracks in the walls, floors, or ceilings. These cracks, along with wet basements, can vary in size and severity, but they are often a clear indication that your foundation is experiencing movement due to clay. Keep an eye out for cracks that appear suddenly or seem to be getting worse over time. They can start small and gradually widen or lengthen if left untreated.

Doors and windows that stick or don't close properly

If you find yourself struggling to open or close doors and windows, it could be a sign of underlying foundation issues. As the foundation shifts or settles unevenly, it can cause door frames and window frames to become misaligned. This misalignment leads to doors and windows sticking or not closing properly. Wise cracks may appear due to movement, indicating the need for crack repair. Additionally, clay soil can exacerbate these problems.

Uneven or sloping floors signaling potential foundation problems

Walking through your home should feel like walking on level ground. If you notice any areas where the floor feels uneven or slopes noticeably, it could be an indication of potential foundation problems. Foundation issues, including wise cracks, can cause parts of your home's structure to sink or settle unevenly, resulting in noticeable floor irregularities.

By paying attention to these signs in Ottawa, you can catch foundation problems early and prevent further damage. If you notice cracks in walls, floors, or ceilings in Ottawa, doors and windows that stick or don't close properly in Ottawa, or uneven or sloping floors in Ottawa, it's time to take action.

Remember, foundation issues should not be taken lightly as they can lead to more severe problems like basement water damage. Addressing foundation repair promptly can save you from costly repairs down the line. Don't hesitate to consult a professional if you suspect any signs of foundation problems in your home.

Understanding Different Types of Foundation Problems:

Settling Foundations Caused by Soil Shrinkage or Poor Compaction

One common type of foundation problem is settling, which occurs when the soil beneath a building compresses and causes the foundation to sink. This can be caused by various factors, such as soil shrinkage or poor compaction during construction. When the soil shrinks, it creates voids beneath the foundation, leading to instability and potential structural damage.

To address settling foundations, several solutions are available:

Foundation Heave Due to Expansive Soils or Excessive Moisture

Foundation heave is another type of problem that homeowners may encounter. It occurs when the soil expands due to excessive moisture content or expansive soils. As the soil swells, it exerts pressure on the foundation walls, causing them to move upward.

To mitigate foundation heave, consider these options:

Structural Damage from Earthquakes, Floods, or Other Natural Disasters

In addition to settling and heave, foundations can also suffer from structural damage caused by natural disasters like earthquakes or floods. These events can exert significant forces on a building's foundation, leading to cracks, shifting, or even collapse.

When faced with structural damage due to natural disasters:

Understanding these different types of foundation problems is crucial for homeowners. By recognizing the signs early on and taking prompt action, you can protect your home's structural integrity and avoid costly repairs in the future.

The Best Types of Foundation Repair Methods:


Slabjacking is a popular method used to address sunken concrete slabs in foundation repair. This technique involves raising the concrete back to its original position by injecting a cement-based mixture underneath. The mixture fills any voids or gaps, providing support and stability to the slab.

Slabjacking offers several advantages over other methods. Firstly, it is cost-effective compared to more extensive repairs that may require replacing the entire slab. It is a relatively quick process that can be completed within a day or two, minimizing disruption to your daily routine.

Here are some key points about slabjacking:

Slabjacking can be an excellent solution for addressing uneven walkways, driveways, or patio areas caused by soil settlement or erosion beneath the concrete surface.


Another effective foundation repair method is piering. This technique involves installing steel piers deep into the ground to stabilize and lift a compromised foundation. Steel piers provide essential support and prevent further damage by transferring the weight of the structure onto load-bearing strata.

Here's what you need to know about piering:

  1. An excavation pit is created next to the foundation.
  2. Steel piers are driven into stable soil or bedrock below.
  3. Hydraulic jacks are used to lift and level the foundation.
  4. The lifted foundation is secured with brackets attached to the piers.

Piering offers long-lasting results and can effectively address issues such as foundation settling, cracks in walls or floors, and doors or windows that no longer function properly due to shifting foundations.


Water intrusion is a common problem that can lead to significant foundation damage. Waterproofing methods are essential to prevent water from seeping into the foundation, protecting it from moisture-related issues.

Here are some key aspects of waterproofing:

By implementing effective waterproofing measures, you can safeguard your foundation against potential damage caused by water intrusion.

Exploring the Costs of Foundation Repair (2023 Guide)

Factors Influencing the Cost of Foundation Repair

The cost of foundation repair can vary depending on several factors. One crucial factor is the size and severity of the damage. If your foundation has minor cracks that can be easily repaired, the cost will likely be lower compared to significant structural issues. The extent of damage also affects the materials and labor required for repairs.

Another factor to consider is the type of foundation you have. Different types, such as slab or pier and beam, may require specific repair methods, which can impact costs. The location and accessibility of your foundation play a role in determining expenses. If your foundation is difficult to reach or located in a remote area, it might require extra effort and resources for repairs.

Average Price Ranges for Common Foundation Repair Methods

Foundation repair methods vary depending on the specific issue at hand. Here are some common methods along with their average price ranges:

  1. Crack injections: This method involves injecting epoxy or polyurethane into cracks to stabilize them. Prices typically range from $300 to $800 per crack.
  2. Slab jacking: Slab jacking is used when there are sunken areas in a concrete slab foundation. It involves pumping a grout mixture beneath the slab to lift it back into position. Prices usually range from $500 to $1,500 per section.
  3. Pier installation: Installing piers helps support foundations that have settled or shifted due to soil movement. The cost varies based on factors like the number of piers needed and the depth they need to be driven into the ground, but prices generally start around $1,000 per pier.
  4. Underpinning: Underpinning is a comprehensive method used for extensive foundation repairs involving deep stabilization techniques like helical piers or steel push piers. Costs can range from $10,000 to $30,000 or more depending on the complexity of the project.

Importance of Obtaining Multiple Quotes from Reputable Contractors

It's crucial to obtain multiple quotes from reputable contractors. This step allows you to compare prices, services offered, and the reputation of each contractor. By obtaining multiple estimates, you can ensure that you are getting a fair price for the required repairs.

Commitment estimates are an essential part of this process. Reputable contractors will provide detailed estimates that outline the scope of work and associated costs. These estimates should be free and provided in writing. Be cautious of any contractor who asks for payment upfront or pressures you into making a quick decision.

By gathering several quotes, you can also evaluate the expertise and professionalism of each contractor. Look for customer reviews and testimonials to gauge their reputation in the industry. Remember that while cost is important, it shouldn't be the sole determining factor when choosing a contractor. Quality workmanship and reliability should also be taken into consideration.

Hiring a Professional Foundation Repair Contractor:

Researching credentials, certifications, and customer reviews

It's crucial to hire a professional contractor who has the necessary expertise and experience. Before making a decision, take the time to research their credentials, certifications, and customer reviews. This will help you determine if they are qualified and trustworthy.

Start by checking if the contractor is licensed and insured. A reputable foundation repair company like The Foundation Experts will have the necessary licenses to operate in your area. Insurance is also important as it protects you from any liability in case of accidents or damages during the repair process.

Next, look for any certifications that indicate their expertise in foundation repair. Certifications from organizations such as the National Association of Waterproofing and Structural Repair Contractors (NAWSRC) or the Foundation Repair Association (FRA) demonstrate that they have met certain industry standards.

Customer reviews are another valuable resource when selecting a foundation repair contractor. Look for testimonials on their website or check online review platforms like Yelp or Google Reviews. Reading about other customers' experiences can give you insight into their professionalism, quality of work, and customer service.

Questions to ask during consultations

Once you have narrowed down your options, schedule consultations with different contractors to assess their expertise further. Prepare a list of questions to ask during these meetings to ensure you make an informed decision.

  1. How long have you been in business? Experience matters.
  2. Can you provide references from past clients? Contacting previous customers can give you valuable insights into their satisfaction with the contractor's work.
  3. What methods do you use for foundation repairs? The contractor should be able to explain their approach clearly.
  4. Do you offer any warranties on your work? A warranty provides peace of mind knowing that they stand behind their repairs.
  5. Are there any potential complications specific to my foundation? An experienced contractor should be able to identify any unique challenges and propose appropriate solutions.

Importance of obtaining written estimates and contracts

Before starting any foundation repair work, it is crucial to obtain written estimates and contracts from the contractor. This documentation protects both parties and ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the scope of work, costs, and timelines.

Written estimates provide transparency in terms of pricing. They should include a breakdown of all costs involved, such as materials, labor, permits, and any additional fees. Make sure to compare estimates from different contractors to ensure you are getting a fair price.

Contracts outline the details of the project, including start and completion dates, payment schedules, warranties or guarantees offered, and any specific terms or conditions. Review the contract carefully before signing it to avoid misunderstandings or disputes later on.

By following these guidelines when hiring a professional foundation repair contractor like The Foundation Experts, you can have confidence that your home's foundation will be in capable hands. Remember to research credentials and reviews thoroughly, ask pertinent questions during consultations, and obtain written estimates and contracts before proceeding with any repairs. Call us today for a free quote!

Restoring Value to Your Home with Permanent Foundation Repairs:

Timely Repairs: Preventing Further Deterioration and Preserving Property Value

Foundation repairs play a crucial role. Addressing any issues promptly can prevent further deterioration and preserve the overall condition of your property. Neglecting foundation problems can lead to more extensive damage over time, affecting not only the structural integrity but also the value of your home.

By investing in timely repairs, you ensure that any underlying issues are addressed before they worsen. Whether it's cracks in the foundation or uneven settling, taking action early on can save you from costly repairs down the line. Moreover, by proactively addressing these concerns, you demonstrate responsible homeownership and maintain a well-cared-for appearance for potential buyers.

Increased Marketability: Selling a Home with a Stable Foundation

When selling a home, one of the key factors that buyers consider is its stability and condition. A stable foundation provides peace of mind to potential buyers as they know they won't have to deal with immediate repair costs or structural problems after purchasing.

Highlighting permanent foundation repairs as part of your home's selling points can significantly increase its marketability. Buyers are more likely to choose a property that has already undergone necessary repairs rather than one with looming foundation issues. By investing in professional repair methods and ensuring long-lasting solutions, you make your home an attractive option for potential buyers.

Long-Term Cost Savings: Addressing Issues Early On

Foundation problems left unattended can lead to significant damage throughout your home. From cracked walls and ceilings to doors that no longer close properly, these issues can become increasingly expensive to fix if not addressed promptly.

By opting for permanent foundation repair solutions, you tackle these problems head-on before they escalate into major structural damage. Waterproofing techniques help prevent moisture-related issues such as mold growth and rotting wood. Sunken concrete can be lifted and stabilized, preventing further damage to your home's foundation.

By proactively addressing foundation issues early on, you save yourself from the financial burden of extensive repairs. The cost savings associated with timely repairs far outweigh the potential expenses incurred if problems are left unattended.

Rest Assured: Transferable Warranties for Peace of Mind

When investing in permanent foundation repairs, it's essential to choose a reputable contractor who offers transferable warranties. These warranties provide peace of mind not only for you as the current homeowner but also for future buyers.

A transferable warranty ensures that if any issues arise after the repair work is completed, the responsibility falls on the contractor rather than you or subsequent owners. This added layer of protection demonstrates confidence in the quality and durability of the repair method used.


In conclusion, ensuring a strong and stable foundation for your home is crucial to maintaining its value and structural integrity. By recognizing the signs that your house needs foundation repair, understanding different types of foundation problems, and exploring the best types of repair methods, you can take proactive steps to address any issues.

Foundation repair costs may vary depending on the extent of the damage and the chosen repair method. However, investing in permanent foundation repairs can ultimately restore value to your home and prevent further deterioration.

It's essential to choose someone with expertise and experience in the field. They will have the knowledge and tools necessary to assess your specific situation accurately and provide effective solutions.

Remember that taking prompt action when you notice signs of foundation problems is crucial. Ignoring these issues can lead to more significant complications down the line, potentially costing you more time and money in repairs.

To ensure you make an informed decision about addressing your foundation concerns, consider seeking multiple quotes from reputable contractors. Compare their offerings, reviews, and customer testimonials before making a final choice.

By prioritizing regular maintenance checks for your home's foundation and promptly addressing any issues that arise, you can maintain its stability for years to come.


Q: How do I know if my house needs foundation repair?

A: Look out for signs such as cracks in walls or floors, uneven doors or windows, sloping floors, or gaps between walls and ceilings.

Q: What are some common types of foundation problems?

A: Common types include settling foundations due to soil movement or inadequate construction practices, expansive soils causing heaving or sinking, or water-related issues like poor drainage leading to erosion.

Q: What are some popular methods used for repairing foundations?

A: Popular methods include piering (using steel piers driven deep into the ground), slabjacking (lifting sunken concrete slabs), or installing helical piers or anchors to stabilize foundations.

Q: How much does foundation repair cost?

A: The cost can vary depending on factors like the extent of damage, chosen repair method, and location. It's best to get multiple quotes from professional contractors for accurate estimates.

Q: Can I repair my foundation myself?

A: Foundation repairs are complex and require specialized knowledge and equipment. It is highly recommended to hire a professional contractor with experience in foundation repair for optimal results.

Q: Will repairing my foundation increase the value of my home?

A: Yes, addressing foundation issues promptly can help maintain or even increase the value of your home. A stable foundation is a crucial factor for potential buyers and ensures long-term structural integrity.

Q: How often should I have my foundation inspected?

A: Regular inspections are recommended, especially if you notice any signs of foundation problems. It's beneficial to have a professional assess your foundation every few years as a preventative measure.

Remember that each home's situation may be unique, so consulting with a qualified professional is always advisable when dealing with foundation concerns.

To find more information about foundation repair then check our website.



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