A message from the Kop
to Jurgen Norbert Klopp ✊
Our manager through the highs & lows.#Solidarity pic.twitter.com/35XvgMuJxj

— lan Byrne MP (@IanByrneMP) February 14, 2021

People need to rise up against this outrage.
It can no longer be tolerated.
Join our campaign to put the ‘Right To Food’ into legislation.
Sign the petition & get involved to fight the evil of food poverty which pervades our communities.https://t.co/jL0MyJe6RM#RightToFood https://t.co/wE7qY35NkZ

— lan Byrne MP (@IanByrneMP) January 11, 2021

Jacob Rees-Mogg a multi millionaire was challenged by @zarahsultana in Parliament today on UNICEF feeding our hungry children over Christmas.

His reply? "UNICEF should be ashamed of itself".

The shame lies with a Government that allows millions to go hungry.#RightToFood pic.twitter.com/kBk4oiofeZ

— lan Byrne MP (@IanByrneMP) December 17, 2020

7000 Labour Party members in Liverpool have just been denied their right to select a Mayoral candidate. They now face being excluded from having any say at all. At the extraordinary council meeting on Saturday I will be fighting for party democracy for our members.

— lan Byrne MP (@IanByrneMP) February 24, 2021