Russians are paying Islamic radicals to kill American troops in Afghanistan. Donald Trump has known about Putin targeting Americans for months and has refused to even condemn Russia diplomatically. What Republican senator will speak out against this shocking dereliction of duty?

— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) June 27, 2020

Pelosi and McConnell need to investigate why:
(1) the Capitol was so poorly prepared for today’s attack,
(2) why police were taking selfies with domestic terrorists, &
(3) why those guilty of insurrection were escorted out the front door instead of being handcuffed and arrested.

— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) January 7, 2021

I knew Mike Pence, Mike Pence was a friend of mine, and Mike Pence is one of the most shameless politicians alive.

— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) October 8, 2020

A source at the White House told me last night, “It feels like a bill has come due and God is collecting.”

— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) October 7, 2020