My heartfelt congratulations to the #HongKong pro-democracy movement who fought their way to a stunning election victory. What an inspiration for all of us — even in the face of the most adverse conditions, protest and people-powered, grassroots politics work! #HongKongElections

— Katalin Cseh (@katka_cseh) November 25, 2019

Big news from Budapest!

The alliance of our main opposition parties is now official. One candidate against Orban, one election manifesto, one challenger in each district

We join forces to heal a deeply wounded nation, root out corruption & restore the rule of law. Let’s go! 💪

— Katalin Cseh (@katka_cseh) December 20, 2020

We expect straight talk from EU leaders — China’s gross human rights violations against #Uighurs, crackdown against #HongKong democracy belong on the negotiating table! #EUChinaSummit

— Katalin Cseh (@katka_cseh) September 14, 2020

Happening now — thousands on the streets in Budapest. What started as a protest against the govt’s ongoing assault against the autonomy of the Uni of Theater & Film Arts grew into an outlet of widespread discontent with Orban’s pandemic response & his regime itself. 📸 @Telexhu

— Katalin Cseh (@katka_cseh) October 23, 2020