They asked for “all the strong guys” to push the bus because “all the strong women” have already been thrown under the bus.

— Lisa Raitt (@lraitt) September 24, 2019

The Chancellor of Germany does her own Covid 19 shopping. 1 package of of toilet paper and 4 bottles of wine. Sounds about right to me.

— Lisa Raitt (@lraitt) March 22, 2020

If you don’t think that a Lib + NDP coalition would start taxing your principal residence profit - here’s the first trial balloon being sent out.

— Lisa Raitt (@lraitt) October 15, 2019

You know what’s “uneducated”? This ignorant, classist, elitist garbage. NOTE - all those tradepeople we desperately need in our economy have not attended college or university. Any wonder why there is stigma for kids to take a trade? This Liberal elitism has to go.

— Lisa Raitt (@lraitt) July 7, 2019