package main import ( "database/sql" "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "os" _ "" ) type ContactsTable struct { Abbreviation string `json:"Abbreviation,omitempty"` Active bool `json:":Active"` CompanyName string `json:"Company_Name,omitempty"` Contractor bool `json:"Contractor?#"` CreationTimestamp string `json:"@Creation_Timestamp"` DocumentFormatPreference string `json:"Document_Format_Preference"` EOExpirationDate string `json:"EO_Expiration_Date,omitempty"` EntityType string `json:"Entity_Type"` Fein string `json:"FEIN,omitempty"` ForeclosureContractor bool `json:"Foreclosure_Contractor?#"` ID string `json:"__ID"` ModificationTimestamp string `json:"@Modification_Timestamp"` Notes string `json:"Notes,omitempty"` PersonBirthDate string `json:"Person_Birth_Date,omitempty"` PersonGender string `json:"Person_Gender,omitempty"` PersonNameFirst string `json:"Person_Name_First,omitempty"` PersonNameLast string `json:"Person_Name_Last,omitempty"` PersonNameMiddle string `json:"Person_Name_Middle,omitempty"` PersonNameSuffix string `json:"Person_Name_Suffix,omitempty"` SearchRequirements string `json:"Search_Requirements,omitempty"` SocialSecurityNumber string `json:"Social_Security_Number,omitempty"` WebsiteActive bool `json:"website_active"` WebsitePassword string `json:"website_password,omitempty"` } const configFileName = ".scrapeconfig" func readScrapeDate(field string) string { return "02-01-2013 16:24:16" } func writeScrapeDate(field string, date string) { // write to a file with a field and set it } func main() { for i := 1; i < 10; i++ { scrapeContactsTable() } } func scrapeContactsTable() { var Abbreviation sql.NullString var Active sql.NullFloat64 var CompanyName sql.NullString var Contractor sql.NullFloat64 var CreationTimestamp sql.NullString var DocumentFormatPreference sql.NullString var EOExpirationDate sql.NullString var EntityType sql.NullString var Fein sql.NullString var ForeclosureContractor sql.NullFloat64 var ID sql.NullString var ModificationTimestamp sql.NullString var Notes sql.NullString var PersonBirthDate sql.NullString var PersonGender sql.NullString var PersonNameFirst sql.NullString var PersonNameLast sql.NullString var PersonNameMiddle sql.NullString var PersonNameSuffix sql.NullString var SearchRequirements sql.NullString var SocialSecurityNumber sql.NullString var WebsiteActive sql.NullFloat64 var WebsitePassword sql.NullString db, err := sql.Open("odbc", "DSN=fmdb;Uid=admin;Pwd=admin") if err != nil { fmt.Println("ODBC Connection to file maker failed :( ", err) } else { fmt.Println("Connected to ODBC; Yea!") } defer db.Close() err = db.Ping() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Cannot ping ODBC DB :(") return } f, err := os.Create("contacts_table.tsv") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer f.Close() toPostArray := []ContactsTable{} singlePost := ContactsTable{} modtimestamp := readScrapeDate("contacts_table_last_read") offset := 0 fetchonetime := 100 dataAvailable := true rowsFetched := 0 for dataAvailable == true { //time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // hack to see if odbc error is timing related q := fmt.Sprintf(`select "Abbreviation", ":Active", "Company_Name", "Contractor?#", "@Creation_Timestamp", "Document_Format_Preference", "EO_Expiration_Date", "Entity_Type", "FEIN", "Foreclosure_Contractor?#", "__ID", "@Modification_Timestamp", "Notes", "Person_Birth_Date", "Person_Gender", "Person_Name_First", "Person_Name_Last", "Person_Name_Middle", "Person_Name_Suffix", "Search_Requirements", "Social_Security_Number", "website_active", "website_password" from CON__Contacts where "@Modification_Timestamp" > '%s' offset %d rows fetch first %d rows only`, modtimestamp, offset, fetchonetime) fmt.Println(q) rows, err := db.Query(q) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Unable to get data - cannot run select Query :( ", err) return } defer rows.Close() if db == nil { fmt.Println("db is NIL - fatal") return } fetchedsoFar := rowsFetched for rows.Next() { err := rows.Scan(&Abbreviation, &Active, &CompanyName, &Contractor, &CreationTimestamp, &DocumentFormatPreference, &EOExpirationDate, &EntityType, &Fein, &ForeclosureContractor, &ID, &ModificationTimestamp, &Notes, &PersonBirthDate, &PersonGender, &PersonNameFirst, &PersonNameLast, &PersonNameMiddle, &PersonNameSuffix, &SearchRequirements, &SocialSecurityNumber, &WebsiteActive, &WebsitePassword) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error when scanning rows into vars.. :( ", err) return } singlePost.Abbreviation = stringNulltoJson(Abbreviation) singlePost.Active = floatNulltoBoolJson(Active) singlePost.CompanyName = stringNulltoJson(CompanyName) singlePost.Contractor = floatNulltoBoolJson(Contractor) singlePost.CreationTimestamp = stringNulltoJson(CreationTimestamp) singlePost.DocumentFormatPreference = stringNulltoJson(DocumentFormatPreference) singlePost.EOExpirationDate = stringNulltoJson(EOExpirationDate) singlePost.EntityType = stringNulltoJson(EntityType) singlePost.Fein = stringNulltoJson(Fein) singlePost.ForeclosureContractor = floatNulltoBoolJson(ForeclosureContractor) singlePost.ID = stringNulltoJson(ID) singlePost.ModificationTimestamp = stringNulltoJson(ModificationTimestamp) singlePost.Notes = stringNulltoJson(Notes) singlePost.PersonBirthDate = stringNulltoJson(PersonBirthDate) singlePost.PersonGender = stringNulltoJson(PersonGender) singlePost.PersonNameFirst = stringNulltoJson(PersonNameFirst) singlePost.PersonNameLast = stringNulltoJson(PersonNameLast) singlePost.PersonNameMiddle = stringNulltoJson(PersonNameMiddle) singlePost.PersonNameSuffix = stringNulltoJson(PersonNameSuffix) singlePost.SearchRequirements = stringNulltoJson(SearchRequirements) singlePost.SocialSecurityNumber = stringNulltoJson(SocialSecurityNumber) singlePost.WebsiteActive = floatNulltoBoolJson(WebsiteActive) singlePost.WebsitePassword = stringNulltoJson(WebsitePassword) toPostArray = append(toPostArray, singlePost) rowsFetched += 1 fmt.Println("fetched = ", rowsFetched) } if err = rows.Err(); err != nil { fmt.Println("error in Next()", err) return } if fetchedsoFar == rowsFetched { dataAvailable = false } offset += fetchonetime rows.Close() } db.Close() } func PrettyPrint(v interface{}) (err error) { b, err := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", " ") if err == nil { fmt.Println(string(b)) } return } type toPost struct { Data []ContactsTable CurrentTime string } func stringNulltoJson(a sql.NullString) string { if a.Valid { return a.String } return "" } func floatNulltoBoolJson(a sql.NullFloat64) bool { if a.Valid { if a.Float64 == 1.00 { return true } else { return false } } return false } func floatNulltoFloatJson(a sql.NullFloat64) float64 { if a.Valid { return a.Float64 } return 0.0 }